Upgrade Gemnasium Enterprise

While the data about packages, versions, etc. are automatically updaded, and stored in your local database, Gemnasium Enterprise won’t upgrade itself automatically.

Using latest version

Every night, a new build of Gemnasium Enterprise source code will generate a gemnasium/enterprise:latest image.

To upgrade Gemnasium Enterprise to a new version:

1- Stop the container:

docker stop gemnasium

2- Remove the container:

docker rm gemnasium

3- Pull the new image:

docker pull gemnasium/enterprise:latest

4- Run the image again (see Preparing volumes.). Gemnasium Enterprise will update your data automatically, if necessary.

Using tagged version

Living on the edge is probably not a good idea on the long term. Gemnasium will provide new tagged version for each release.

The available tags are listed here: https://hub.docker.com/r/gemnasium/enterprise/tags/