Upgrade Gemnasium Enterprise

While the data about packages, versions, etc. is automatically updated, and stored in your local database, Gemnasium Enterprise won’t upgrade itself automatically.

Using latest version

To upgrade Gemnasium Enterprise to a new version:

1- Pull the new image:

docker pull gemnasium/enterprise:latest

2- Stop and remove the container:

docker rm -f gemnasium

3- Run the image again (see Preparing volumes.). Gemnasium Enterprise will update your data automatically, if necessary.

docker run [...]

Using nightly version

Every night, a new build of Gemnasium Enterprise will be generated, as a gemnasium/enterprise:nightly image. This image is intended for debugging only, and should not be used for production.

Using a tagged version

The available tags are listed here: https://hub.docker.com/r/gemnasium/enterprise/tags/

It is recommended to always use the latest tag.